This question harkens back to other important questions...
- Do I really need rebar in my concrete slab?
- Do I really need a vapor-barrier under my concrete slab?
- Do I really need a treated sill-plate?
- Do I really need to saw cut-joints into my concrete slab?
- FACT: Primer will even out your color-coat
- FACT: Primer will bite deeper into your slab
- FACT: Primer helps to eliminate bubbles
- FACT: Primer adds mils of thickness to your floor
- FACT: Primer customers call in far less for help then non-primer customers
- FACT: You will hear "others" frown on it, that's all they got... a "no-primer" gamble
We don't want your extra $$, we want happy customers that move on the next project knowing that they did it right!!