We love to take customer applications and use them as topics for this blog. Here is a great one!
A customer in sunny Los Angeles, California started acid staining a concrete wall with an "off the shelf" acid concrete stain. He had a difficult time keeping enough stain on the wall as the concrete was thirsty and kept sucking in the stain, not letting it fizz and etch. He tried excessively applying the stain. However, the more he added the more it ended up running down the wall.
We sent this gentleman our Legacy Industrial's Gelled Acid Stain. The gel factor keeps the stain on the vertical surface long enough for good penetration and etching without the "runs". We know he'll have an easier time getting a nice vibrant color on that wall.
This product is also beneficial for stenciling horizontal surfaces as well.
Contact Legacy Industrial for more information, CLICK HERE.